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Environmentally-Friendly Boat Lifts / Docks

The marine environment is a very delicate and important resource and deserves our greatest protection. As we balance the interests of mankind to enjoy the water, we must consider environmentally safe boat lifts and environmentally safe boat docks. 

We believe the Jet Dock system to be the most environmentally friendly boat lifts and boat docks available. First, the Jet Dock system is made of an advanced polymer (PDF) that is completely non-hydroscopic, non-corrosive and non-polluting. Your Jet ock floating building block will not rust, rot, corrode or leach chemicals into the water. Second, our environmentally safe boat docks float near the water's surface, providing an ideal habitat -- with plenty of water flow and ultraviolet rays -- for crustaceans, mussels and other sea life. The structure also provides a habitat for fish.

Since the Jet Dock environmentally safe boat lifts are normally for placement in existing boat slips or mooring areas, the use of a Jet Dock drive-on docking system is simply replacing the boat that would otherwise be there. The watercraft is moved, the Jet Dock is positioned, and the boat is returned -- now on top of the dock. This provides an environmental benefit to that water location. The Jet Dock environmentally safe boat lifts allow for the storage of boats with poisonous bottom paints out of the water where they can do no harm. In most cases, choosing the environmentally safe boat lifts by Jet Dock will obviate the need to ever bottom paint your boat altogether. 

Your Jet Dock is designed for installation without the need for chemical-soaked pilings or corroding materials. And due to their shallow-water operation, the environmentally safe boat lifts and docks from Jet Dock also elliminate the need for dredging your sea floor the way constructed boat lifts and deep-drafting boat lifts can.

Ultimately, your interaction with the water through boating has an environmental impact -- virtually all of mankind's activity does. With Jet Dock environmentally safe boat docks and boat lifts, your impact is minimized and the environmental benefits are many


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